Black Pepper 10ml


Warming / restorative, improves muscle tone, soothes the joints.

4 in stock



Warm-woody, spicy scent.
Blends well with: rosemary, lavender, marjoram & frankincense.

Key Benefits

Warming / restorative, improves muscle tone, soothes the joints.


Bath: 5-10 drops. Vaporiser: 3-5 drops. Body & massage:
5 drops/10ml base oil.
Tips:Very effective used in floral blends in minute amounts.


Do not take internally; avoid contact with eyes; seek advice if pregnant; not suitable for babies; store away from children;possible skin sentitizer. Skin irritant in high concentration. Counteracts homeopathic remedies.

Further information can be found in Julia Lawless’s book: ‘The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils’ (see BOOKS)
Comments: One of the oldest & most popular spices.